Find out how to unpin someone on snapchat – snapchat guide

Did you pin conversation on snapchat app which you do not want to see anymore? Do you have no idea how to unpin someone on snapchat? We have you and we will help you to deal with that, just keep reading the article.

How to pin someone on snapchat?

If you do not know how to pin someone on snapchat but you want to do that we have the step by step explanation for you. To pin someone on snapchat you have to:

  1. long-press on a name of a person that you want to pin,
  2. then click on More,
  3. next you will see option called Pin Conversation and here is were you should tap pin conversation,
  4. now the conversation with this person will be pinned to the top of your Snapchat Chat screen.

Pinning isn’t that hard right? So go for it and pin people in your snapchat app.

How to unpin someone on snapchat?

Do you have pinned conversations that you want to unpin now? Well if so we got you. Fortunately to you, unpinning people on Snapchat is very easy, you just have to follow those steps:

  1. first step you have to do is of course simply open Snapchat,
  2. next go to the Snapchat messenger and tap on and hold the conversation that you have already pinned,
  3. go to chat settings,
  4. now just tap unpin conversation.

Now when you unpinned someone it still will be displayed alongside all of your other chats, however it’s just no longer pinned to the top of your screen.

How to unpin pinned conversation with someone who deleted their account?

If you want to unpin already pinned chat with someone who deleted their snapchat account here is where the problems begins. Problems happens when you have unfriended someone or when they have deleted their account, or even when you have been blocked by someone. When those circumstances happens you will be unable to unpin the pinned chat. The only thing that you will be able to do is to clear the chat messages.

How to fix unpinning problems on Snapchat?

There are in fact 3 ways to fix this problem. Those options are:

  • block and unblock the person,
  • logout and login back into Snapchat,
  • try basic troubleshooting.

Block and unblock the person

Snapchat app resolving unpined problems

If you can’t unpin conversation with someone who isn’t a friend of you on Snapchat anymore, you can simply block the person and then unblock them. This could fix the problem and unpin conversations you don’t want to be pinned.

Logout and login back to Snapchat

If someone on snapchat had blocked you and you do not feel like seeing the conversation with him/her pinned you can delete Snapchat app and then try re-downloading it. When you do that you should later on log back in.

Try basic troubleshooting

To do so you should swipe right from the camera screen this will make you go to the chat screen. Now you should press and hold on to a pinned friend or group. Now just select chat settings which are in the drop-down menu. Now just choose unpin conversation and you should be all ready.


  • you can pin only 3 people at once,
  • there is no way to pin someone on snapchat using Android device,
  • if you are wondering if there is a way to see messages with someone on snapchat to had blocked you, there is no way to do that,
  • when you unpin someone it will be placed with the rest of snapchat messages and they will be sorted by date,
  • if you are scared of person knowing that you have unpined them, you do not have to worry about that, because they will not be able to know that.


Now you know how to unpin people on snapchat because we gave you all the steps needed to do it. We also have showed to how to pin conversation if you didn’t know how to pin it yet. So now you also know how to pin someone on snapchat as well. You have all the steps explained so go for it and use them.

One Reply to “Find out how to unpin someone on snapchat – snapchat guide”

  1. I have been always wondering how people are pinning their friends on snapacht. Now I know thanks to you everything about it! Thank you so much.

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